How can the same man inspire such radically opposite reactions, to the point that there are some who would take a bullet for him, and others who celebrate the would-be assassin who actually attempted to take his life? This is the Trump enigma.
Then there are Republicans and moderates who seek to sidestep the enigma of Trump the man by saying, "I don't like him, but I like his policies." Yet if Trump's critics are right that he is an aspiring tyrant, a dictator, something akin to Hitler circa 1933, it is the man—not the policies—that matter most.
In an original, searching examination, bestselling author Dinesh D'Souza considers the issue of tyranny in Vindicating Trump by asking key questions:
This book—and the accompanying film in theaters this fall—is an unqualified defense and vindication of Trump. It makes the case for Trump "as is," the man as well as the policies. It will rally and inspire Trump supporters and at the same time convince Americans who are ambivalent about Trump that he is the right "wartime general" for the perilous times we face in this country.