Practical Fishkeeping is Britain's best-selling fishkeeping publication, filled with species showcases, fishkeeping answers, advice, competitions, amazing features and much more!
Community TANKS
REDISCOVERING SOMPHONG'S RASBORA • An incredibly rare, and tiny rasbora hidden in swathes of rice fields. Rodrigo Silva investigates this hugely diverse habitat in Thailand.
Answering the common questions • New contributor Matt Hayes (AKA Fish Shop Matt) answers 10 questions commonly asked by new hobbyists in aquatic shops.
Here today, EXTINCT TOMORROW • Tai Strietman explores the ephemeral habitats of endangered killifishes in Western Brazil.
Fishkeeping Answers • Got a fishkeeping question? PFK’s crack team of aquatics experts are on hand to answer whatever you need to know…
BREEDING PEPPERMINT SHRIMPS • Finding true peppermint shrimp for your Aiptasia problem can be a scary task, get it wrong and your reef could be decimated. Robin Mannion explains how to breed these shrimp at home so you never have to face this again!
African SPARKLERS • African tetras may not immediately grab attention in shop tanks like their South American relatives, but Gabor outlines three species that, with a little love, can make a dazzling display!
RUBY from the RAINFOREST • A miniature barb hailing from west & central Africa, Michel Keijman outlines all you need to know about the beautiful gem that is the jae barb.
MANY WAYS TO PREPARE botanicals • Using botanicals in aquariums is controversial, and one aspect of this method of aquarium keeping continues to generate discussion, even between those already converted to the dark side.
Securing a wild future for Betta burdigala • Michael summarises the current efforts to protect Betta burdigala and the surrounding threatened habitat.
MAIDENHEAD AQUATICS @ TAUNTON • A store that is known and recognised globally, despite being located in the Southwest of England. I timed my visit perfectly to see a big, showstopper aquascape!
Practical Fishkeeping
Tailpiece ALEX BELL • Visiting new stores is always exciting, but things can often get in the way and prevent successful trips further afield.